Hello, please enter your email to reset your password
Do you wish to contact us?
{{ 'page.hotline.ask-your-partner'|trans }}
{{ 'page.hotline.partner-lab'|trans }} {{hotline.lab_reference}}
{% if hotline.lab_contacts is defined and hotline.lab_contacts is not null %} {% if hotline.lab_contacts.tel is defined and hotline.lab_contacts.tel is not null %} {% for phone in hotline.lab_contacts.tel %}{{ 'page.hotline.partner-phone'|trans }}{{phone}}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if hotline.lab_contacts.mail is defined and hotline.lab_contacts.mail is not null %} {% for mail in hotline.lab_contacts.mail %}{{ 'page.hotline.partner-email'|trans }}{{mail}}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if hotline.lab_adr_additional is defined and hotline.lab_adr_additional is not null %}
{% endif %}
{{hotline.lab_adr_postalcode}} {{hotline.lab_adr_city|capitalize}}